Carl Burton 2011: San Pablo Lake, Otavalo, Ecuador II
Carl Burton 2011: San Pablo Lake, Otavalo, Ecuador
Carl Burton 2011: Roses ready for shipment, Rosabex rose plantation, Cayambe Valley, Ecuador
Carl Burton 2011: Hacienda La Compania de Jesus I, Cayambe Valley, Ecuador
Carl Burton 2011: Rabida Island, the Galapagos. Hillside with trees in their winter condition
Carl Burton 2011: Parque Condor, Otavalo Province, Equador
Carl Burton 2011: Isla Bartolome at sunset II, Galapagos Islands
Carl Burton 2011: Galapagos Islands, Isla Bartolome, I
Carl Burton 2011: Bartolome Island, the Galapagos, panorama
Carl Burton 2011: Bartolome Island, the Galapgos, harbor with waiting zodiacs
Carl Burton 2011: Bartolome Island, in the Galapagos, late afternoon light
Carl Burton 2011: Bartolome Island, the Galapagos, At Sunset Looking East II
Carl Burton 2011: Isla Rabida II, Galapagos Islands
Carl Burton 2011: Abandoned Galapagos fur seal, Isla Rabida
Carl Burton 2011: Pureto Egas, Galapagos Islands, algae beds
Carl Burton 2011: Puerto Egas, Lava Fields
Carl Burton 2011: Puerto Egas, Cactus, Galapagos IslandsDSCF3953
Carl Burton 2011: Glapagos Cactus
Carl Burton 2011: Genovesa Island, Darwin Bay, the Galapagos, juvenile red-footed booby on nest
Carl Burton 2011: Genovesa Island, Darwin Bay, the Galapagos Islands, a red-footed booby up close
Carl Burton 2011: Galapagos Tortoise, Santa Cruz Island
Carl Burton 2011: Otavalo, Ecuador, Drink Coca-Cola
Carl Burton 2011: Otavalo, Ecuador, a weaver's shop
Carl Burton 2011: Otavalo Valley, Ecuador, Roadside life I
Carl Burton 2011: Otavalo Valley, Ecuador, farmland
Carl Burton 2011: Keep Off the Grass, Guayaquil. Equador