tch106501: Kume Island Torinokuchi area
tch106501: Over Japan
tch106501: Might fly
tch106501: Tatamiishi Beach Kume Island Okinawa
tch106501: "Tatami Ishi" Kume Island Okinawa
tch106501: Kume Island Hibiscus
tch106501: Kume Island Bougainvillea
tch106501: ”hiyajobanda” Kume Island Okinawa
tch106501: Seesaa
tch106501: "Mifuga" Kume Island Okinawa
tch106501: Eef Beach Monument
tch106501: Kume Island Eef Beach Okinawa
tch106501: Kume lsland Natural and Cultural Centre
tch106501: Eef Beach Hotel
tch106501: Okutake Island entrance Okinawa
tch106501: The ocean view from the sky at Okinawa
tch106501: 首里城①
tch106501: 残波岬ロイヤルホテルからの眺め①
tch106501: 守礼門①
tch106501: 守礼門②
tch106501: 守礼門③
tch106501: 首里城②
tch106501: 首里城③
tch106501: 座喜味城跡①
tch106501: 残波岬ロイヤルホテルからの眺め②
tch106501: 座喜味城跡②
tch106501: 残波岬灯台にて①
tch106501: 座喜味城跡③
tch106501: 座喜味城跡④
tch106501: 座喜味城跡⑤