jaz_on_tour: Like a herd of turtles, we are off on our road trip. First day in, the frame broke on the little camper which is 40 years old. A welder fixed the frame and we fixed the shell. It’s ugly but it does the trick.
jaz_on_tour: He’s home!! He’s been gone for 3 1/2 weeks! I went back to the property to find him and I did!! Just in time too because we leave for a winter RV trip as soon as we finish up some projects. It’s a miracle!
jaz_on_tour: Picture from 3 years ago of our daily walk. 2 of these 3 cats have since passed away, sadly. These are my 3 favorites.
jaz_on_tour: Fall on our mountain.
jaz_on_tour: My birthday is in less than a month. This year I will ride all day until I am too tired to continue then call my husband as he has agreed to drive to wherever I end up and pick me up then take me out to eat. My goal is at least 50 miles.
jaz_on_tour: Stating weight: 170, end weight: 139. Now I’m back up to almost 150 and it feels so big. Feeling motivated to get back in shape and get control of my eating again.
jaz_on_tour: Played around with gouache paints.
jaz_on_tour: Burning tree
jaz_on_tour: hilltop fire 1
jaz_on_tour: hilltop fire 2
jaz_on_tour: hilltop fire 3
jaz_on_tour: hilltop fire 4
jaz_on_tour: hilltop fire 5
jaz_on_tour: From the front lines.
jaz_on_tour: Most of the fire has moved to the back of the mountain away from my view...but there are spots of fire all over the front still.
jaz_on_tour: My husband fighting a local wildfire that started at a friend’s house today and quickly took 1000 acres. Luckily it is in a very unpopulated area and so far has avoided all homes including our friend’s.
jaz_on_tour: A marsh painting. Something I don’t have much practice with. I am trying to broaden my horizons. This winter we will be taking a long road trip out east then down south. I want to paint scenes while out and am practicing different types of terrain now.
jaz_on_tour: Sunset was pretty good last night.
jaz_on_tour: Enjoying a nice stroll after the rain.
jaz_on_tour: The painting I did while camping. It was inspired by the campground we stayed at.
jaz_on_tour: My friend and my husband talked me into going on a camping trip to take a break after all the sickness and death I’ve been dealing with the last few months. It ended up being what I needed, a reintroduction to my life without giving 24/7 care.
jaz_on_tour: It is with a sad heart that we had to say goodbye to these two dogs this past week. Bear, the one on the left, left us today. Noonie, the one on the right, left us last Monday. Both were 16 years old. :(
jaz_on_tour: A huge moth that landed on me last night. It is the highest and most beautiful moth I’ve ever seen.
jaz_on_tour: Burned out scrub oak with new growth.
jaz_on_tour: Evening walk with the dogs has views like this...and we never even leave our road.
jaz_on_tour: Noonie is just cool like that.
jaz_on_tour: Curled clouds.
jaz_on_tour: We’ve got some happy campers. The cats are loving the space and lack of traffic.