cjuel: Horse and boy are one
cjuel: Stubborn horse
cjuel: Watching the horse race
cjuel: Mongolian girl at the horse race
cjuel: Sacred
cjuel: Can you identify me?
cjuel: Dust storm on Gobi desert
cjuel: Sunset on the Gobi desert
cjuel: Camel in Gobi desert
cjuel: Camel 2 in Gobi desert
cjuel: Girl in Gobi desert
cjuel: Girl in doorway to family ger
cjuel: Child on the Mongolian steppes
cjuel: Horse race
cjuel: Ger in countryside outside Karakorum Mongolia
cjuel: "Flaming Cliffs," Gobi Desert
cjuel: Mongolia
cjuel: Reflection of Monastery
cjuel: Roof protectors
cjuel: Door in Monastery
cjuel: Gobi desert
cjuel: Girl in Gobi Desert
cjuel: Peeking out from the family ger
cjuel: Roof of Ger