Kathy OR: Florist shop in Jacskonville
Kathy OR: strolling the sidewalks in Jacksonville
Kathy OR: waiting outside the coffee house
Kathy OR: Spring is bursting out all over
Kathy OR: ready and waiting at the McCully House
Kathy OR: Magnolia Inn Window boxes ready for business
Kathy OR: Flowers for Sale
Kathy OR: Ready for spring at the Magnolia Inn
Kathy OR: so many old doors in old towns
Kathy OR: makes you wonder who has stepped over these bricks
Kathy OR: that's it
Kathy OR: no way out
Kathy OR: DSC_0084
Kathy OR: bell tower
Kathy OR: museum steeple
Kathy OR: Jacksonville Museum
Kathy OR: St. Francis of Assisi
Kathy OR: amen for blue sky
Kathy OR: eyes to the sky
Kathy OR: Church Rectory built in 1866
Kathy OR: feeling old
Kathy OR: My dark side
Kathy OR: Kirby Oregon Cemetery
Kathy OR: in B & W
Kathy OR: Love rusted old fences
Kathy OR: Ida deserves a towering Monument
Kathy OR: after the storm at sunset
Kathy OR: softly she flows
Kathy OR: Lithia Creek