Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - to know where we came from
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Festival - Viking Battles - #1 of 9
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest & Viking Battles - #2 of 9
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest & Viking Battles - #3 of 9
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest & Viking Battles - #4 of 9
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest & Viking Battles - #5 of 9
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - old time Viking Art - #6 of 9
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest & Old Day's Viking Art #7 of 9
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - Swords & Walking Sticks - #8 of 9
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest & Walking Sticks, Canes & other things - #9 of 9
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Festival last Saturday
Driven to Capture 2: Viking directing traffic
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest & Viking Ax
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Black Smiths - getting ready for battle
Driven to Capture 2: El Cajon Car show - Rover (not a Land Rover) 75 years?
Driven to Capture 2: El Cajon Cars - Rover - side view
Driven to Capture 2: El Cajon Cars - Rover - Ship detail up close
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - Old Norse art on tent
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - Old Norse art on piece of cut tree
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - Viking Ship art
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - some Celts were here also
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - booth
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest 2 Tents - shields & art on the fence
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - Runes in a garden - old time writing
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - helmet & other things
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - helmets & things here
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - shields swords & things
Driven to Capture 2: Viking Fest - Blacksmith shop
Driven to Capture 2: viking Fest - horn & shield