Nancy's ~: Craig explaining some of the history surrounding 'Bedrock' creek area
Nancy's ~: Craig explaining some of the history surrounding 'Bedrock' creek area
Nancy's ~: Craig Hatley discussing restoration issues with INPS members
Nancy's ~: Creek where train tracks, original trestle and lots of fill dirt removed - looking north
Nancy's ~: Creek where train tracks, lots of dirt, original trestle removed - looking east
Nancy's ~: Trish discussing the process the restoration project - steelhead habitat
Nancy's ~: Looking north from where obstructions were removed
Nancy's ~: Trish showing steelhead photo from the project book
Nancy's ~: Trish discussing orther parts of the project including area where we will see the Tauschia.
Nancy's ~: Trish explaining methods used to stabilize streambed
Nancy's ~: Trish explaining methods used to stabilize streambed
Nancy's ~: Creek restoration results
Nancy's ~: Some of the changes made to old road - shrubs, ditch plugs and sedge mats
Nancy's ~: Thermopsis montana sprouts
Nancy's ~: Probably Anemone piperi
Nancy's ~: Viola and sedum
Nancy's ~: Tauschia tenuissima (Leiberg's tauschia)
Nancy's ~: Tauschia tenuissima (Leiberg's Tauschia)
Nancy's ~: Grass widows (Olysinum douglasii)
Nancy's ~: Tauschia tenuissima - to show size
Nancy's ~: Meandering stream with new start of beaver dam - photo from bridge
Nancy's ~: Soil plug along side of stream where old road crossing was
Nancy's ~: Meadow with many more grass widows and California false-hellebore
Nancy's ~: Wetland cells created using ditch plugs
Nancy's ~: Sonja Lewis, chapter president, in meadow
Nancy's ~: wetland scene
Nancy's ~: Meadow with many more grass widows and California false-hellebore
Nancy's ~: Craig talking about the ditch plug at site of old road crossing
Nancy's ~: idaho 051
Nancy's ~: Platyprepia virginalis, becomes the Ranchman's Tiger Moth