entireleaves: My yard shortly after I moved in.
entireleaves: Some Fuchsias I was trying to save but the point of the photo is the poor state of the lawn in the backyard. It is mostly dead with patches of crab grass and weeds.
entireleaves: View of part of the lawn in the fenced in back yard area. It is mostly dead crab grass and small South African daisies in this portion.
entireleaves: I started clearing some of the weeds in the old vegetable gardens.
entireleaves: Another view of the state of the lawn in the back shortly after I moved in (and some of the plants I purchased in preparation for my new gardens).
entireleaves: The gophers loved to dig up the backyard and eat the daisies. The yard was full of gopher tunnels.
entireleaves: Side yard. A few old shrubs, two very ugly Phormiums, some Euryops pectinatus, and a lot of weeds. Mostly Gazania, Alyssum, and tons of grasses later in the season.
entireleaves: Another view of the side yard. It is worth noting that most of the plants are in the right of way which would later be obliterated by the sewer construction. They created a parking area along the road and put down gravel.
entireleaves: Euryops and Alyssum and lots of gophers.
entireleaves: Close up of one of the sad looking Phormiums with lots of gopher tunnels around it. The gophers were eating the roots.
entireleaves: A few months after moving in and grasses started to come up after it rained.
entireleaves: The front yard when I first moved in.
entireleaves: Before I began my garden construction the water would pool in the driveway when it rained because the drainage pipe was clogged.
entireleaves: Front yard 3 days before I moved in.
entireleaves: Fenced in side yard 3 days before I moved in.
entireleaves: Side view of front yard.
entireleaves: At the end of January I started tilling the lawn.
entireleaves: After the lawn had been tilled. I placed flags to indicate where the pop-up sprinklers were.
entireleaves: My garden a year ago...
entireleaves: At my landlady's request we removed this tree.
entireleaves: Fixing the drainage pipe so the driveway won't flood.
entireleaves: Weed barrier put down for the new path.
entireleaves: DG base for the path.
entireleaves: Making sure everything is level.
entireleaves: Giant pavers placed
entireleaves: During sewer construction they used the side yard as a staging area and made a parking strip along the street.