Ben's Lens: Dude, where's my car?
Ben's Lens: Waiting for the next train
Ben's Lens: Mean streets of Oakland
Ben's Lens: Day 9, project365 - I'm flying Jack!!
Ben's Lens: Oaktown Hooded Rider
Ben's Lens: Day 4, project365 - The Silent Stare
Ben's Lens: Half masked
Ben's Lens: You lookin at me?
Ben's Lens: Pimp my ride
Ben's Lens: The kiss
Ben's Lens: My other car is a cooler
Ben's Lens: Not feeling the love
Ben's Lens: Black on white
Ben's Lens: Day 27, project365 - Bad Girls
Ben's Lens: Michael
Ben's Lens: Jackson
Ben's Lens: I don't need no stinkin umbrella
Ben's Lens: Day 44, project365 - Rainy Daze
Ben's Lens: Portrait of a Peacekeeper
Ben's Lens: Tension in the air
Ben's Lens: Local resident
Ben's Lens: Riot Police in downtown Oakland
Ben's Lens: My point is....
Ben's Lens: Bagpipe Player
Ben's Lens: Alert Crossing Guard
Ben's Lens: No crossing guard required
Ben's Lens: Calm before the storm