edinburghcityofprint: Society of Graphical and Allied Trades
edinburghcityofprint: R & R Clark Burns Club Menu
edinburghcityofprint: R & R Clark Burns Club Menu
edinburghcityofprint: R & R Clark caseroom outing
edinburghcityofprint: R & R Clark caseroom outing
edinburghcityofprint: Printing and Kindred Trades Federation Banner
edinburghcityofprint: Bookbinders' & Machine Rulers Union Banner- back
edinburghcityofprint: Bookbinders' & Machine Rulers Union Banner- front
edinburghcityofprint: Book Binders of Edinburgh Union Banner
edinburghcityofprint: Scottish Typographical Journal
edinburghcityofprint: National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypers
edinburghcityofprint: Scale of Prices, Employers and Journeymen Printers of Edinburgh
edinburghcityofprint: Syllabus of the Edinburgh Branch of British Typographia
edinburghcityofprint: Syllabus of Edinburgh branch of British Typographia
edinburghcityofprint: SOGAT crest
edinburghcityofprint: Slade Membership Card
edinburghcityofprint: SOGAT plaque
edinburghcityofprint: Paperrulers union sash
edinburghcityofprint: Bookbinders Sash
edinburghcityofprint: Print Union Sash
edinburghcityofprint: Agreements between the Scottish Master Printers and Unions, 1984
edinburghcityofprint: Agreements between the Scottish Master Printers and Unions, 1985-1986
edinburghcityofprint: Minute Book of the George Waterston Letterpress Chapel, 1913 - 1956
edinburghcityofprint: Scale of piece rates in publishers bookbinding
edinburghcityofprint: Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers Union card