*Miss*J*: {Yeah, they actually really do adore each other. Most of the time.}
*Miss*J*: No one gets out of apple-picking duty in this house.
*Miss*J*: No one gets out of apple-picking duty in this house.
*Miss*J*: Ear flop
*Miss*J*: Smoosh
*Miss*J*: Exploring
*Miss*J*: Midsummer in Sweden
*Miss*J*: No midsummer without strawberries
*Miss*J*: Peek
*Miss*J*: The joy of trespassing
*Miss*J*: Collection
*Miss*J*: Whispers
*Miss*J*: Sweetness
*Miss*J*: Passion
*Miss*J*: Summer
*Miss*J*: Best friends
*Miss*J*: Gentle whispers
*Miss*J*: My dad's first camera and my littlest love <3
*Miss*J*: Perfect imperfection
*Miss*J*: Sunday morning giggles
*Miss*J*: Pure joy
*Miss*J*: 'Me-time'
*Miss*J*: Cabin cosiness
*Miss*J*: Happy Easter
*Miss*J*: Tired
*Miss*J*: Follow the leader
*Miss*J*: New day, new hotel, new bed to test