Pythos36: And, my attempt at a Rober Smith inspired makeup design.
Pythos36: Almost, a black metal outfit, if it were not for the blue :)
Pythos36: Blue androgony.
Pythos36: Makeup design
Pythos36: Make up for the night
Pythos36: Full shot of another crazy outfit
Pythos36: Make up shot for club debut outfit.
Pythos36: This night I wore a nail polish the crackled. It looks like blue lightning.
Pythos36: My fishtail gown. I wore this for the debut of my girlfriend's club.
Pythos36: This dress adds something to ones butt. I have no kind of shape wear on LOL
Pythos36: Full outfit shot with blade runner design
Pythos36: A blade runner inspired makeup design
Pythos36: A shot from one club night