flashhardcore: 11PM, the view from my room
flashhardcore: Rotterdam Centraal
flashhardcore: Fire escapes.
flashhardcore: Erasmus Bridge
flashhardcore: Tin Tin's Latin Jazz Cigar Bar.
flashhardcore: Brazil in Holland
flashhardcore: Midnight, the view from my room
flashhardcore: Just down the road
flashhardcore: The corner drugstore
flashhardcore: The neighborhood church
flashhardcore: They're everywhere
flashhardcore: Black and White and Red All Over
flashhardcore: Orchids
flashhardcore: 10 PM, the view from my room
flashhardcore: Yes, it's really like this
flashhardcore: Downtown
flashhardcore: On the waterfront
flashhardcore: Windmill