rmurena: hallway
rmurena: corner cell
rmurena: Klondike hallway
rmurena: stairs down to Klondike
rmurena: alley between wings
rmurena: Dietary building
rmurena: dietary
rmurena: receiving
rmurena: side shot
rmurena: stacked stools
rmurena: empty endtable
rmurena: one of the ghost cats
rmurena: tree, incarcerated
rmurena: the mushrooms released spores
rmurena: old cell setup
rmurena: ready to move in
rmurena: doll's clothesline
rmurena: one of the two floored wings
rmurena: between the wings
rmurena: towards an outbuilding
rmurena: to give you an idea of how overpowering the walls are
rmurena: Eastern State Penitentary historical marker
rmurena: front facade of ESP
rmurena: center watchtower
rmurena: Six Five Four
rmurena: cell block
rmurena: The original cell set-up
rmurena: in cell facilities
rmurena: cabinet
rmurena: DSCN0468