flugtag_roadies_08: me cooking pancakes at a rest-stop in Kent, texas (population 35 including children)
flugtag_roadies_08: gas station
flugtag_roadies_08: eddie and buck
flugtag_roadies_08: hmmm cold circle noodles
flugtag_roadies_08: that was a scary moment for me
flugtag_roadies_08: eddie and buck found a turtle/fish tank
flugtag_roadies_08: more server pictures
flugtag_roadies_08: napkin art
flugtag_roadies_08: at the seafood gumbo restaurant in lafayatte louisianna, i drew all the servers notes/pictures on paper-towels like this one
flugtag_roadies_08: angry armodilla
flugtag_roadies_08: our server
flugtag_roadies_08: seafood gumbo restaurant
flugtag_roadies_08: eddie got sick of driving for the night so we stopped and took a taxi to eat seafood gumbo and look our taxi driver's name was kevin and he did not know what do to about this
flugtag_roadies_08: typical chill bus moment-- listening to my ipod, looking out window or at map, while camera guy buck films out the window
flugtag_roadies_08: listenting to music
flugtag_roadies_08: from the top of the bus
flugtag_roadies_08: me and buck
flugtag_roadies_08: from the bus window
flugtag_roadies_08: eddie with my friends from wings team and me
flugtag_roadies_08: roadies!!!!!!
flugtag_roadies_08: team with our bus