lmainjohnson7: Leslie weaving silk band
lmainjohnson7: Leslie weaving silk band (side view)
lmainjohnson7: the finished silk trim
lmainjohnson7: card woven silk trim
lmainjohnson7: Medieval style clay jug
lmainjohnson7: Medieval pottery jug replica by Slava
lmainjohnson7: Mary Magdalen speaks to the Apostles
lmainjohnson7: the finished painting-St Alban's Psalter, Magdalen speaking to the Apostles
lmainjohnson7: Openwork seam on the top of the embroidered Elizabethan coif
lmainjohnson7: Medieval piper from the Cantigas de Santa Maria
lmainjohnson7: diamond twill tunic woven by HE Brynja of Avacal
lmainjohnson7: Two harpers from the Cantigas de Santa Maria
lmainjohnson7: Issabbella wearing the embroidered coif
lmainjohnson7: Her Highness Issabbella Kendal of Avacal
lmainjohnson7: two flautists from the Cantigas de Santa Maria
lmainjohnson7: "dueling flutes" two flautists from the Cantigas de Santa Maria
lmainjohnson7: moods of a rose- blue
lmainjohnson7: Two musicians from the Cantigas de Santa Maria
lmainjohnson7: painting a miniature from the Cantigas de Santa Maria
lmainjohnson7: Elizabethan embroidery–blackwork pinks, in progress
lmainjohnson7: Issabbella adjusting her ruff
lmainjohnson7: Issabbella in the dressing room
lmainjohnson7: Scroll commemorating the Knighthood of Sir Aiden ap Grendal
lmainjohnson7: Aiden's scroll- inked outline
lmainjohnson7: Aiden's scroll- gilding and beginning of painting
lmainjohnson7: Aiden's scroll- miniature partially painted
lmainjohnson7: flax yarn and weaving
lmainjohnson7: handspun wool, natural colours and earth tones
lmainjohnson7: spectrum of hand spun naturally dyed wool
lmainjohnson7: Low D whistle case with card-woven strap