wmpe2000: shore glass including Russian pottery shard
wmpe2000: Russian colonizer brick artifact on the shore below Redoubt Falls
wmpe2000: pine tree layered with moss - walked along the edge of of Lake Redoubt ever mindful of the mother bear and her two 2-year old cubs' daybed that live near the the Tongass Forest Service Lake Redoubt weir dam
wmpe2000: Belted kingfisher with fingerling catch
wmpe2000: opportunity to grow exists everywhere
wmpe2000: fantastic micro plant community on submerged log in Redoubt lake
wmpe2000: Redoubt lake 9 ft above sea level
wmpe2000: US Forestry Service weir dam monitors the wild sockeye salmon run
wmpe2000: coastal brown bears - Ursus arctos - print
wmpe2000: Redoubt Bay brown algae
wmpe2000: southern side of the Lake Redoubt freshwater output
wmpe2000: trees laden with mosses and lichens in the temperate rainforest alongside Redoubt Bay - shade provided by the trees is essential for the salmon a keystone species.
wmpe2000: Megaceryle alcyon - belted kingfisher
wmpe2000: belted kingfisher
wmpe2000: Tongass Forestry Service weir dam at the Lake Redoubt fresh water output monitoring the wild sockeye salmon run
wmpe2000: recent landslide
wmpe2000: Southeast Alaska's changeable weather moves always to precipitation - temperate rainforest
wmpe2000: raft of maybe 30 sea otters
wmpe2000: Pelagic cormorants and gulls
wmpe2000: Pelagic cormorants
wmpe2000: I was hoping to see a special rock in her forepaws - a sea otter is the only marine animal that catches fish with its forepaws versus its teeth/mouth
wmpe2000: sea otters have a flexible skeleton and can groom all their fur which is essential for them to stay warm
wmpe2000: female sea otter - a male bites the female's nose during mating leaving it bloody and scarred