wmpe2000: Pelargonium
wmpe2000: beach stone house on Mission Bay
wmpe2000: Plumeria alba - beautiful & fragrant
wmpe2000: Frangipani tree
wmpe2000: Drosanthemum - Royal Dewflower
wmpe2000: Aeonium urbicum and Buddha
wmpe2000: Hylocereus undatus - dragon fruit flower bud
wmpe2000: Strelitzia reginae - Crane flower
wmpe2000: Phalaenopsis
wmpe2000: subtropical front garden - Mission Beach
wmpe2000: Bambusa vulgaris
wmpe2000: scavanger display
wmpe2000: “Have I experienced happiness with sufficient gratitude? Have I endured loneliness with grace?” — Mary Oliver, from “The Gardener”, A Thousand Mornings
wmpe2000: Mandevilla splendens
wmpe2000: Mandevilla splendens
wmpe2000: Fishbone cactus - Disocactus anguliger
wmpe2000: mission beach neighborhood
wmpe2000: Melaleuca quinquenervia - Paper-bark tree
wmpe2000: Araucaria heterophylla
wmpe2000: Norfolk pine - Araucaria heterophylla
wmpe2000: bulldog in a side garden in Mission Bay