wmpe2000: gaining elevation
wmpe2000: through Peralta Canyon in the Superstition mountains
wmpe2000: Echinocereus engelmannii - Engelman's hedgehog cactus
wmpe2000: young Carnegiea gigantea - Saguaro
wmpe2000: looking into Peralta Canyon
wmpe2000: at the edge of an ancient caldera - Peralta trailhead
wmpe2000: view down trail with a spent Agave chrysantha and a new plant coming up behind it
wmpe2000: Dudleya saxosa - perennial succulent
wmpe2000: all water is important in the desert - small ephemeral pools in weathered out depressions in welded tuff - Superstition Mountains
wmpe2000: desert patina beautifully covers an outcropping of welded tuff
wmpe2000: Agave chrysantha
wmpe2000: impact site in welded tuff - possible old ightning strike, rock impact, blast site
wmpe2000: cactus remnant victim of the 2020 Superstition wildfire
wmpe2000: Echinocereus Engelmannii cluster
wmpe2000: Echinocereus Engelmannii - Engelmann's hedgehog cactus
wmpe2000: renewal in the wildfire burn scar - Dichelostemma capitatum
wmpe2000: spots of green in the wildfire burn scar below Fremont's Saddle
wmpe2000: Weaver's Needle - eroded volcanic ash layers
wmpe2000: snow dusted Four Peaks in the distance - the highest mountains in the area
wmpe2000: Weaver's Needle
wmpe2000: Sphaeralcea rusbyi - Rusby's globe mallow
wmpe2000: we found a spot out of the wind to have our tea - Harney's Jasmine Green
wmpe2000: Sphaeralcea rusbyi in the wind on Peralta trail below Fremont's Saddle
wmpe2000: 360 view