wmpe2000: walking on the playa listening to the crunch
wmpe2000: view of the Panamints and Black Mountain
wmpe2000: dust rising across from the pan
wmpe2000: patterns of new formed salt crystals
wmpe2000: salt filaments forming on older salt crystals
wmpe2000: salt forms pushing through the mud cracks at Badwater Basin
wmpe2000: more salt expansion at Badwater Basin
wmpe2000: insoluble salt emerges from the briny solution
wmpe2000: precipitates emerging from the spring water as it evaporates at Badwater Spring
wmpe2000: evaporites at Badwater Spring
wmpe2000: sea level sign
wmpe2000: Badwater Basin - salt pan and pool of trapped run off water from an underground aquifer - all water in Death Valley is endorheic (no outflow)