wmpe2000: plant specimens for pressing
wmpe2000: Datura wrightii
wmpe2000: devil's trumpet
wmpe2000: the fruit of the poisonous Silverleaf Nightshade
wmpe2000: we found a troop of coatimundi who scattered when we came around the bend and a young coatimundi was separated from its troop but she made it back
wmpe2000: lush riparian area with evidence of monsoonal flash flooding
wmpe2000: indurated hell hole conglomerate with large cobbles
wmpe2000: well weathered siliceous tuff from gailuro volcanics during the tertiary age
wmpe2000: rhyolite and tuff welded together
wmpe2000: late morning sun on the canyon wall composed of Hell-Hole conglomerate and view of the shallow aravaipa creek
wmpe2000: we saw bobcat scat and looking around for other evidence next to volcanic formed cliffs
wmpe2000: tarantula hawk wasp on a desert broom shrub
wmpe2000: bend in aravaipa creek - the creek is no wider than 200 feet across
wmpe2000: the widest part of the creek was at the trailhead
wmpe2000: lowland leopard frog
wmpe2000: coatimundi footprint in the aravaipa creek mud
wmpe2000: equisetum lined aravaipa creek
wmpe2000: hiking in aravaipa canyon by permit only
wmpe2000: young coatimundi trying to cross the creek to reach its troop in the branches
wmpe2000: hiking through the icy waters of aravaipa creek
wmpe2000: aravaipa creek curving into the steep canyon reaches