wmpe2000: moosehorn brook
wmpe2000: bridge across moosehorn brook with twig railings
wmpe2000: this sign post was a bit confusing
wmpe2000: stone wall and hay-scented ferns
wmpe2000: trail map for Emily Beardsley Preserve
wmpe2000: Moosehorn access to Emily Beardsley Preserve
wmpe2000: rock outcropping circle
wmpe2000: a large rock outcropping on the ridge
wmpe2000: spotted wintergreen
wmpe2000: base of the old white oak tree
wmpe2000: old white oak wolf tree
wmpe2000: the red perimeter trail is steep with few switchbacks
wmpe2000: Japanese Meadowsweet
wmpe2000: moosehorn brook
wmpe2000: chestnut oak seedling
wmpe2000: trail marker
wmpe2000: Monotropa uniflora and web
wmpe2000: spent flower of a red trillium
wmpe2000: the forest floor was loaded with fallen acorns
wmpe2000: green stain fungus on rotting birch branch
wmpe2000: cute forest floor scene
wmpe2000: old logging road with decomposing giant hemlock
wmpe2000: pork tenderloin sandwich with arugula
wmpe2000: car parked outside the pub
wmpe2000: Fowler's toad in leaf litter
wmpe2000: Monotropa uniflora
wmpe2000: large fungi at the base of the oak