wmpe2000: daylily with stamen and anther shadow
wmpe2000: a summer staple
wmpe2000: browneyed susan
wmpe2000: Japanese Meadowsweet
wmpe2000: Monotropa uniflora and web
wmpe2000: spent flower of a red trillium
wmpe2000: Monotropa uniflora
wmpe2000: Echinacea purpurea disc
wmpe2000: eastern coneflower
wmpe2000: Lavendula
wmpe2000: english lavender
wmpe2000: arches and gazebo at the oldest city rose garden in the US
wmpe2000: my favorite type of rambling rose
wmpe2000: yellow rose and raindrops
wmpe2000: minature rose "Flirt"
wmpe2000: "eternal flame"
wmpe2000: purple majesty
wmpe2000: ornamental millet
wmpe2000: bottlebrush buckeye flower
wmpe2000: lobed leaves of Thalictrum pubescens
wmpe2000: tall meadow rue
wmpe2000: roadside field bindweed
wmpe2000: rounding the curve from 30th St. to 10 Ave.
wmpe2000: prairie blazing stars in the Chelsea Grasslands garden
wmpe2000: compass flower
wmpe2000: daylily