wmpe2000: swamp milkweed
wmpe2000: trail through the swamp
wmpe2000: black birch tree
wmpe2000: the best flower for the forest floor - sunlight not required instead it lives off a complex matrix of fungi that live in relationships with certain tree species
wmpe2000: quartz vein
wmpe2000: waramaug's rock quartz vein
wmpe2000: hazy day
wmpe2000: red oak
wmpe2000: cedar waxwing on hemlock
wmpe2000: lake view
wmpe2000: hawk soaring above waramaug's rock
wmpe2000: wild azaela
wmpe2000: looking across swamp
wmpe2000: green frog
wmpe2000: american hornbeam
wmpe2000: wild parsnips
wmpe2000: raptor
wmpe2000: red admiral
wmpe2000: symmetry
wmpe2000: cabbage white butterfly
wmpe2000: scotch cotton thistle
wmpe2000: wild grapes
wmpe2000: staghorn sumac flower spike
wmpe2000: staghorn sumac