juliahhansen: Silvia
juliahhansen: Óli, now a Celtic supporter!!
juliahhansen: Emil and Magni Philip performing a play they wrote and rehearsed on Hestoy.
juliahhansen: Here I go!!
juliahhansen: Héðinn á seiðabergi í Leirvík
juliahhansen: Phon at work
juliahhansen: Emil og onkel Héðinn
juliahhansen: Asmund og Emil
juliahhansen: Emil fiskar
juliahhansen: Fjollarí
juliahhansen: Happy birthday to me!
juliahhansen: Asmund
juliahhansen: Emil í dekki
juliahhansen: Una og Markus
juliahhansen: Petur Asbjørn and his Pink panther :-)