dschweisguth: Flight at the end of the tunnel
glennbphoto: red white and blue
David Gallagher: Compact
dschweisguth: Slow Internet
glennbphoto: Rusty Lions at Palazzo Florio
marinaomi: Myriam Gurba is the BEST, and I'm not even exaggerating.
glennbphoto: X O X O
ames sf: standardized testing
disastrogirl: Puppy pic of the day.
davidsilver: the kids at black mountain college
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Little Owlet - Athene noctua
DDaniele: Bullocks box. 70s?
DDaniele: 24th
DDaniele: Cortland
RoadsideArchitecture.com: Mr. Little & Menace Mouse
John Graham X: Green Demon
DDaniele: Trillium on the property
facokatashlub: Ben Franklin Bridge X
Shawn Clover: Drabbusters
disastrogirl: Three douchebags
marymompics: Cat at Imagery Winery
Jason Idzerda: Saw Whet on the Moss
glennbphoto: happy hour
dschweisguth: Not the Casebolt Mansion
jnb92: Peluche