Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus pointing at his empty gift bag. No presents inside
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus holding his hand stretched out. Do not come closer. Social distancing
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus doing an X shape with his hands
Ivan Radic:
Weihnachtsmann benutzt sein Handy
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus looking at his cell phone
Ivan Radic:
Cool Santa Claus with sun glasses
Ivan Radic:
Santa wearing a blue face mask
Ivan Radic:
Santa having to wear a face mask
Ivan Radic:
Nikolaus trägt einen Mund-Nasen-Schutz
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus with a red face mask with snowflakes
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus with a red festive face mask
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus putting a festive face mask on
Ivan Radic:
Weihnachtsmann setzt seine feierliche COVID Maske auf
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus holding a red festive face mask in his hands
Ivan Radic:
Santa about to put his face mask on
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus with bell in his hand
Ivan Radic:
Weihnachtsmann mit Glocke in seiner Hand
Ivan Radic:
Santa ringing his bell
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus in a test lab holding PCR test components in his hand
Ivan Radic:
Nikolaus im Testlabor hält Behälter, Rachenspülwasser und Strohhalm in seiner Hand
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus holding PCR test tube, salty water and straw in his hand
Ivan Radic:
Santa squeezing salty water into his mouth. PCR test
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus doing COVID-19 gargle test
Ivan Radic:
Weihnachtsmann spuckt die Gurgelflüssigkeit in den Probenbecher. PCR Test
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus spitting the salty water into the container during COVID-19 gargle test
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus spitting the salty water into the container for his PCR test
Ivan Radic:
Weihnachtsmann spuckt die Gurgelflüssigkeit in den Probenbecher. PCR Test
Ivan Radic:
Santa Claus holding biohazard plastic bag with his PCR gargle test tube
Ivan Radic:
Nikolaus beim Antigen-Schnelltest
Ivan Radic:
Santa getting antigen tested for SARS-CoV-2