Ivan Radic: Close-up of a stink bug on a plant feeding off of it
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a firebug on a dandelion
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a snail on a blue pole
Ivan Radic: Close-up of holes in a dandelion
Ivan Radic: A brown stink bug
Ivan Radic: A brown stink bug standing on a green leaf
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a brown stink bug on a green leaf
Ivan Radic: European nursery spider (Pisaura mirabilis) on a plant
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) on a tree
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a European nursery web spider (Pisaura mirabilis) waiting for its prey
Ivan Radic: Close-up of two hoverflies mating
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a fly on a rock
Ivan Radic: Black and white photo of drops of water on a leaf
Ivan Radic: Many greenfiles (Sternorrhyncha) on a rose bud
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a green lacewing (Chrysoperla rufilabris) at night
Ivan Radic: Close-up of an insect on black background
Ivan Radic: Large black beetle with long antennae on the ground
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a Burgundy snail (Helix pomatia) at night
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a Burgundy snail (Helix pomatia) on the tiles
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a Burgundy snail (Helix pomatia) on the floor tiles at night
Ivan Radic: Huge grasshopper on my hand
Ivan Radic: Riesige Heuschrecke auf Menschenhand
Ivan Radic: Huge cricket on human hand
Ivan Radic: Nahaufnahme einer Kröte
Ivan Radic: Porträt eines Großen Heupferds
Ivan Radic: Close-up of a great green bush cricket
Ivan Radic: Tiny flower between the fingers