Nancy Asquith: Soft blue daydream of a damsel who just achieved her wings
Nancy Asquith: Damselfly couple
Nancy Asquith: Pacific spiketail dragonfly (cordulegaster dorsalis)
Nancy Asquith: Blue dasher (pachydiplax longipennis)
Nancy Asquith: Blue dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Nancy Asquith: Tiny entertainer
Nancy Asquith: Blue dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Nancy Asquith: A dashing aerialist
Nancy Asquith: Blue dasher dragonfly (Pachydiplax longipennis )
Nancy Asquith: And here's the female blue dasher (pachydiplax longipennis)
Nancy Asquith: Female blue dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Nancy Asquith: She's more dashing than blue . .
Nancy Asquith: Mystery dragonfly
Nancy Asquith: Blue dasher female
Nancy Asquith: Hold tight! Sometimes we all need some support
Nancy Asquith: Flame skimmer (libellula saturata)
Nancy Asquith: Flame skimmer dragonfly (libellula saturata)
Nancy Asquith: The curtain opens..
Nancy Asquith: Flame skimmer (libellula saturata)
Nancy Asquith: Flame skimmer (libelulla saturata)
Nancy Asquith: Flame skimmer dragonfly (libellula saturata)
Nancy Asquith: Flame skimmer (libellula saturata)
Nancy Asquith: Those amazingly well-designed wings allow for some great acrobatics
Nancy Asquith: Flame skimmer (libellula saturata)
Nancy Asquith: We all need something to hold onto
Nancy Asquith: Flame skimmer (libellula saturata)
Nancy Asquith: Western pondhawk dragonfly (erythemis collocata)
Nancy Asquith: Western pondhawk female (erythemis collocata)
Nancy Asquith: Western pondhawk (erythemis collocata) female
Nancy Asquith: Western pondhawk (erythemis collocata) female