Pink Pfeffernüsse: TINSEL. LLAMA. Holy crap, I want it so much. It has legwarmers!
Pink Pfeffernüsse: It's like Target knows the questions I'll ask this holiday. #puppytime
Pink Pfeffernüsse: Carb loading for the holidays.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: I was tempted. But the IKEA ones are cuter.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: I swear, yesterday I stood in line at the grocery store for 30 minutes or more. This garbage is what I had to see. REALLY, AMERICA?
Pink Pfeffernüsse: Just some light reading before bed. Ha.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: Went to the slowest Starbucks ever yesterday, to caffeinate before grocery shopping.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: I got my necklace in the mail this week. Not like I could ever forget her, but it helps. I just wish I didn't fail her. I wish I didn't cry at random (tonight at dinner) and have waves of sadness wash over me. I miss her more than anything.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: I picked up this guy (Blueboy) from a vet and took him back to BARCS this morning. My first transport! He gave me lots of kisses. What a cutie.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: Got Noodles&Co for dinner. Soft enough to not make my teeth hurt.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: And then we had BBQ at Mission BBQ, and parted ways. Good Saturday.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: And I learned how to play Pandemic (mostly). We lost, but it was close.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: That's mascarpone. And berries. And damn.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: Andrew and I did brunch and hung out today. It was amazing.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: I miss the fuck out of you, pup. I just want to put my head in your neck and cry.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: Deck the halls. Until you can't breathe.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: Oh Target, I'm still crying over the election... you can't have Christmas stuff out yet.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: That ear! That nose! My little girl.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: Renn fest day.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: They are totally plotting.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: They're posing for me. Cuties.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: I love how this turned out. It's so pretty.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: I'm happy to be outside with the doggles.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: My beautiful girl.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: You're totally jealous of my lead apron and my shiny laser protection goggles. #ORlife
Pink Pfeffernüsse: My amazing care package. Seriously better than I'd planned on. Cheered me up after a mess of a week.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: My care package swap card! (Each fall a lovely friend runs an anonymous care package swap and this year's was the best one yet!)
Pink Pfeffernüsse: My baby girl.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: This is how you say it when your mouth is full of them.
Pink Pfeffernüsse: I put my new Halloween gel clings in the windows. It makes me happy.