The Wanderpath: Tree Hugging
The Wanderpath: Rooted Precariously
The Wanderpath: Looking Down
The Wanderpath: A Day by the Falls
The Wanderpath: Dicentra cucullaria
The Wanderpath: Entrance to a Hiding Place
The Wanderpath: Rooted in Drink
The Wanderpath: Follow Your Path
The Wanderpath: Strength
The Wanderpath: Symplocarpus foetidus
The Wanderpath: Sky Roots
The Wanderpath: "They Laid Opposing on the Ground Looking Up"
The Wanderpath: Sensor Painting 1
The Wanderpath: Light Devour
The Wanderpath: Interconnected
The Wanderpath: Reaching to Bloom
The Wanderpath: "And so it Goes"
The Wanderpath: Leaves and Petals
The Wanderpath: Forest Floor Forest
The Wanderpath: Standing There for a Long Time
The Wanderpath: They Live Together
The Wanderpath: "I Dunno"
The Wanderpath: Fuzzy Leaf
The Wanderpath: The "Hello" Flower
The Wanderpath: Contemplation Aurora II
The Wanderpath: Contemplation Aurora
The Wanderpath: Cox Hollow Falls
The Wanderpath: Whispers and Leaves