tbschlaf: Graham getting ready to set off
tbschlaf: Nancy and Jessie getting ready to set off
tbschlaf: Nancy and Jessie getting ready
tbschlaf: Jessie, Jon, and Nancy ready to go
tbschlaf: Matt and Graham ready to go
tbschlaf: Jon and Graham making final prep
tbschlaf: Team (minus Theresa) ready to go
tbschlaf: Jessie making our first stream crossing
tbschlaf: Big Boulder Creek
tbschlaf: Remains of Livingston's Mill
tbschlaf: Big Boulder Creek
tbschlaf: Big Boulder Creek
tbschlaf: Big Boulder Creek, O'Calkens Peak
tbschlaf: Big Boulder Creek
tbschlaf: Interesting jackstraw formation
tbschlaf: On the trail
tbschlaf: Matt and Graham, Big Boulder Creek in background
tbschlaf: Jessie, Jon, and Nancy
tbschlaf: Creek tumbling down Red Ridge
tbschlaf: From atop Red Ridge
tbschlaf: Big Boulder Creek, O'Calkens Peak
tbschlaf: On the trail
tbschlaf: From atop Red Ridge
tbschlaf: First snow we saw at our level
tbschlaf: Small meadow
tbschlaf: Theresa at unnamed pond on way up Red Ridge
tbschlaf: Graham taking a break
tbschlaf: Jon and Nancy on final climb up Red Ridge
tbschlaf: View of Frog Lake from back of Red Ridge
tbschlaf: Chipmunk!