marsbarn: 1. The beginning
marsbarn: 2. Note the numbers and the dashes
marsbarn: 3. flip it over
marsbarn: 4. The first fabric
marsbarn: 5. Fabric #2
marsbarn: 6. Checking for seam placement
marsbarn: 7. Follow the line
marsbarn: 8. the seam
marsbarn: 9. the flip side
marsbarn: 11. Flip, and see what's next.
marsbarn: 10. Trim
marsbarn: 12. next piece of fabric
marsbarn: 13. checking placement
marsbarn: 14. Oh I can start to see a shape!
marsbarn: 15. repeating the process
marsbarn: 16. a note about threads
marsbarn: 17. the magic of tutorials
marsbarn: 18. the flip side finished