marsbarn: 1. The beginning
marsbarn: 2. arranging the stencil
marsbarn: 3. painting the first color
marsbarn: 4. Finished the first layer
marsbarn: 5. stencils removed after first layer of paint.
marsbarn: 6. Second layer of stencil.
marsbarn: 7. The second layer of paint.
marsbarn: 8. Finished fabric.
marsbarn: 9. Finished t-shirt
marsbarn: 8.5 Another sample of finished fabric
marsbarn: 10. Ready for the wall hanging.
marsbarn: 11. Center panel for quilt
marsbarn: 12. Center panel for quilt
marsbarn: 13. Center panel for quilt
marsbarn: 14. Center panel for quilt.
marsbarn: 18. the fabric sandwich
marsbarn: 17. the middle block
marsbarn: 16. filling the template.
marsbarn: 15. laying out the quilt