pussycat007: unfurling 90-365
pussycat007: first cuppa at the cottage 91-365
pussycat007: Hamac with a view 92-365
pussycat007: chick magnet 93-365
pussycat007: spring green 94-364
pussycat007: urban uprising 95-365
pussycat007: let's make a deal 96-365
pussycat007: new shades 97-365
pussycat007: birthday brunch 98-365
pussycat007: My mother's day card 99-365
pussycat007: Awwwww! sniff! 100-365
pussycat007: Gluten for sale 101-365
pussycat007: faceless pansy 102-365
pussycat007: Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul. 103-365
pussycat007: detail of our new spring baskets against the showcase backdrop of our neighbor's garden 104-365
pussycat007: 12 hours later 105-365
pussycat007: our crab apple tree in all it's glory 106-365
pussycat007: Let go of your attachment to being right and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgement ~Ralph Marston 107-365
pussycat007: "Love is giving someone the space to be who they are and who they are not." ~W. Erhard~
pussycat007: converging lines 109-365
pussycat007: make lunch not war 110-365
pussycat007: White Black Grey Red 111-365
pussycat007: to put up a fence to keep me out and to keep mother nature in 112-365
pussycat007: I'm a realist. Whether the glass is half empty or half full, it will eventually need to be washed. 113-365
pussycat007: adieu 114-365
pussycat007: You are the creator of your reality, and life can show up no other way for you than that way in which you think it will. ~Neale Donald Walsch~ 115-365
pussycat007: I'm on top of the world! 116-365
pussycat007: Me & Mr P 117-365
pussycat007: the lovely lavender of lilacs 118-365
pussycat007: Winner's....you should go! 119-365