Garysted: Lakenheath F-15C's returning.
Garysted: Gripen JAS-39D inbound Lakenheath.
Garysted: Tukish F-16C at Lakenheath
Garysted: F-15C inbound to Lakenheath.
Garysted: F-15E on finals at Lakenheath.
Garysted: The 'Hogs' were about in the summer.
Garysted: Frustrated fast jet pilots #2
Garysted: Lakenheath tower - ideal for photography...
Garysted: 'Tahoe' flight coming home.
Garysted: Sheer power.
Garysted: No, you can't take that - it's a secret!
Garysted: Oregon ANG a long way from home.
Garysted: CO's aircraft, 81st FS.
Garysted: 493rd FS on the break.
Garysted: Lakenheath memorial garden.
Garysted: Low approach into Lakenheath.
Garysted: The oldest resident.
Garysted: On the break.
Garysted: Whats wrong with the left fin tip?
Garysted: 494th FS F-15E at Lakenheath.
Garysted: 'Bayou Militia' #3
Garysted: 'Bayou Militia' #2
Garysted: 'Bayou Militia' #1
Garysted: Over the fence.
Garysted: Nice gradual bank.
Garysted: 'Flying Tennis Court' #1
Garysted: 'Flying Tennis Court' #2
Garysted: On the overshoot #2
Garysted: On the overshoot #1
Garysted: Even the USAF uses Russian airlift!