petethepunk1: Myles's Baby Picture
petethepunk1: Myles with Norton
petethepunk1: Norton and Myles
petethepunk1: Every Picture Tells
petethepunk1: Elfin Myles 3
petethepunk1: Elfin Myles 2
petethepunk1: Elfin Myles 1
petethepunk1: Whole Famn Damily
petethepunk1: The Crookston Irregulars
petethepunk1: Cool hats
petethepunk1: Nort, Nadine, Myles
petethepunk1: Nels, Myles, Marit, unknown, unknown, Emma, Norton, unknown, unknown
petethepunk1: Pop and Cake
petethepunk1: All Smiles
petethepunk1: Unfair Advantage
petethepunk1: Happy as a Clam on a Tricycle
petethepunk1: Close Friends
petethepunk1: Swings
petethepunk1: Posed and Unhappy
petethepunk1: Soda Pop Party
petethepunk1: Ice Cream
petethepunk1: Bing Crosby
petethepunk1: Lill and Arleen
petethepunk1: Violinist on a Bench - Chagall (1920 - based on a 1914 original)
petethepunk1: Sunlight by Max Pechstein (1921)
petethepunk1: Klee - Small Village in the Autumn Sun (1925)
petethepunk1: Klee - Moving Furniture (1929)
petethepunk1: Picasso - Harlequin (1923) detail