Juliett09: oben (ganz)
Ludovic Lagadec: la nuit tombe ...
vivine05: Istituto del Bene Essere
ximo rosell: La ciclista / The cyclist
Stoates-Findhorn: Island in the Mist
Philocycler: background
wentloog: Avenue Morning
Titole: Délice d'automne **
Daroo Ulises: Huellas - Footprint
Alec_Hickman: Lobster traps at Peggy's cove
frankastro: full_moon_color_eos760d_c9_2015030
Lorraine1234: Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.
wentloog: Stormy Porthcawl
Sheng yao Kuo: Planetarium
VitorJK: Atlantic Paradise - Osso da Baleia, Pombal, Portugal - n2253
428sr: Cat
West Leigh: Sun Fall
Titole: Aurore d'un jour nouveau **---+°°--°
miguelbuenaventura: Funeral car
GillesDom: Gendarme Belge - 1944
GillesDom: bruges_12072014
cherryspicks (off): Zrmanja River Canyon