Photography by Samantha: Beautiful setting for a restaurant in a Mumbai Hotel...
Photography by Samantha: Wow, what a bath in a beautiful hotel bathroom...delightfull!
Photography by Samantha: Gorgeous hotel surroundings...
Photography by Samantha: What a gorgeous curry served in a funny cup in Mumbai...
Photography by Samantha: Lovely seat and decor by the elevator in a gorgeous hotel in Mumbai...
Photography by Samantha: Looks interesting...does anyone know what plant this is?
Photography by Samantha: Beautiful setting for a night of dance in a gorgeous hotel in Mumbai
Photography by Samantha: Faces of India...
Photography by Samantha: Faces of India...
Photography by Samantha: behind the statue...
Photography by Samantha: Beautiful statue in the well being clinic...
Photography by Samantha: The wellness clinic in a hotel in Bombay...