jwayne810: Illinois State Capitol Building, Springfield
jwayne810: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield IL
jwayne810: Third Street Train Station - Springfield
jwayne810: Frank Lloyd Wrights' Dana-Thomas House
jwayne810: Changing moods
jwayne810: Dressed for Christmas
jwayne810: South Town Theater
jwayne810: Tastey Eats
jwayne810: Another beautiful morning
jwayne810: Morning workout
jwayne810: Union Station, Springfield
jwayne810: First Presbyterian, Springfield IL
jwayne810: Independence Day
jwayne810: Illinois State Capitol/Springfield
jwayne810: At the office
jwayne810: the "Alamo"
jwayne810: Rees Memorial Carrilon
jwayne810: Relax
jwayne810: Shelter
jwayne810: It started snowing here yesterday afternoon!
jwayne810: In the Neighborhood
jwayne810: Central Baptist
jwayne810: Springpatch
jwayne810: Frank Lloyd Wright's Dana-Thomas House
jwayne810: Seperation of Church and State
jwayne810: ... on Broadway
jwayne810: Blue Door
jwayne810: Downtown
jwayne810: Kryptonite
jwayne810: Roman Cultural Garden