stolenmcgregor101: “Letting go. Everyone talks about it like it’s the easiest thing. Unfurl your fingers one by one until your hand is open. But my hand has been clenched into a fist for three years now; it’s frozen shut.”
We Starlight: A walk for reflection
by Epifania Nhafiero: TWELVE X LOBO Console Set
Pтιтɴoυrѕ Alтer: Simple Bloom - Codex - 187 - Wicca's Oirginal
Cassie Daniels Nightingale: Cassies Christmas Dress Colelction
ecologichemp: SYNAPSE / DIABOLI
Fashion Blogger On Secondlife: 📷 Faut que tu m'aimes ...
✿Maytika.Coleslaw✿: The stars are golden fruit upon a tree All out of reach
Manon Skirr: Be ready
**DealeuZ**: ♥Christmas♥
Tony Azure: Blue Water Cove_005
**DealeuZ**: ♥Roxane♥
Second Life Ashes to Ashes: The Classic Golden Girl Picture Frame
Tony Azure:
Coco St. George: Yummy at Blackhouse
Cassie Daniels Nightingale: Cassie wears Aleutia
**DealeuZ**: ♥Stella♥
vengoajugar: LOOK ::..581..::