Aperture Agog: Hela is sparkly
Aperture Agog: It's Chassis talking to the crowd
Aperture Agog: It's the crowd
Aperture Agog: Bunny wins!
Aperture Agog: Chassis listens to how great she is
Aperture Agog: Snap Bronx's it up!
Aperture Agog: Chassis is having fun!
Aperture Agog: Manimal rocks his
Aperture Agog: Animal rocks her Best Derby Mom
Aperture Agog: This party sponsored by....
Aperture Agog: Presents for our captains
Aperture Agog: What in the???
Aperture Agog: Babs and Christ
Aperture Agog: Tank knew to coordinate with her award some how
Aperture Agog: Tank flairs it up
Aperture Agog: Gangsta Hela
Aperture Agog: Batterly's + PBR = love
Aperture Agog: What up Pie?
Aperture Agog: Pie puts on her game face
Aperture Agog: Speedy and Stuffit are silly
Aperture Agog: The Hipsaws rockin the casba
Aperture Agog: Chassis and Batterly represent
Aperture Agog: Hmm, one of us is really drunk.
Aperture Agog: Eban rocks the PBR cap