lily371plumb: Becker's White
lily371plumb: Blue Damselfly
lily371plumb: Gray Hairstreak
lily371plumb: Cabbage White
lily371plumb: Blue-tailed Skink
lily371plumb: Tiger Swallowtail on Zinnia
lily371plumb: Mule Deer
lily371plumb: Mule Deer
lily371plumb: Coyote early morning visitor
lily371plumb: White-lined sphinx
lily371plumb: Lesser Goldfinch (female)
lily371plumb: Morning Bunny
lily371plumb: Black-Chinned Hummer (male)
lily371plumb: Variable Checkerspot
lily371plumb: Western Kingbird
lily371plumb: Black-chinned Hummingbird
lily371plumb: Swainson's Hawk
lily371plumb: Quail catching the morning sun
lily371plumb: Dragonfly resting in the grass
lily371plumb: White-crowned Sparrow
lily371plumb: Red-tailed Hawks coming back to nest again.
lily371plumb: Say's Phoebe
lily371plumb: Ladybug with the blooms
lily371plumb: Blooming in the sunshine...
lily371plumb: Starling
lily371plumb: Crossbill
lily371plumb: Sharp-shinned Hawk
lily371plumb: Big Hairy Orange Cross Spider