A Cat in the Suburbs: 読書、仕事、休憩 / Time in their own way.
A Cat in the Suburbs: 色とりどり / Colorful balls
A Cat in the Suburbs: 待ち合わせ / Who he's waiting for
A Cat in the Suburbs: 木道 / boardwark
A Cat in the Suburbs: 苔むした古木 / moss
A Cat in the Suburbs: リンゴ / apples
A Cat in the Suburbs: ショーウィンドウ / shopwindow
A Cat in the Suburbs: インテリアショップ / Living Warehouse
A Cat in the Suburbs: ミニマル / minimal
A Cat in the Suburbs: 反射 / reflection
A Cat in the Suburbs: 畳と静寂 / tatami mat and silence
A Cat in the Suburbs: 折り鶴 / folded paper crane
A Cat in the Suburbs: かすみ草 / baby's breath
A Cat in the Suburbs: パートカラー / selective color
A Cat in the Suburbs: 歓楽街の路地 / Alley in the entertainment district
A Cat in the Suburbs: 路上の豚 / Pigs in the Streets
A Cat in the Suburbs: 壁と紅葉と / autum leaves on the wall
A Cat in the Suburbs: フィアット バルケッタと黄色と青と赤と / FIAT Barchetta
A Cat in the Suburbs: スポットライト / Autumn leaves in the spotlight
A Cat in the Suburbs: ショーウィンドウ / display window Aoyama, Japan
A Cat in the Suburbs: 行列 / queue Harajuku, Japan
A Cat in the Suburbs: ショーウィンドウ / shop window Aoyama, Japan