patrice leuvrey: Vieux wagon
bernard.saubot: Urban abstract series
bernard.saubot: Urban abstract series
HWHawerkamp: Exhaustors and Lamp
HWHawerkamp: Lamp and Slats
HWHawerkamp: Shadow Geometry
2n2907: Colorful Reflection
2n2907: Intensity of Repetition
Ettigirbs_off for a while_health issues: "Without music, life would be a mistake"
Brix5: On a leaf
Brix5: Frog Elle Aquitaine photo
ximo rosell: En Málaga
ximo rosell: "La Muralla Roja" II
ximo rosell: Gelosia / Lattice.
ximo rosell: En el centre comercial I / At the mall I
ximo rosell: Composició XIV.
2n2907: Zigzag Architecture
2n2907: Abstract Reflection
2n2907: Abstract Architecture
2n2907: Abstract Reflection
2n2907: Abstract Curves
HWHawerkamp: Shapes and Shadows
HWHawerkamp: Slide to Open
patrice leuvrey: Notre Dame de l'arche d'alliance Paris 15 ème
Igor Danilov Philadelphia.: Breakfast & Haircut.
Igor Danilov Philadelphia.: Rectangles & Lines.