*Moreta's Closet*: I restore myself when I'm alone
Gejwa: ❤️ Harvest Harmony ❤️
*Moreta's Closet*: It's getting Windy
Akantha Katana: thank you very much for the cover
Annayeh (SL): Simply
Annayeh (SL): library
BelGalarno: snapshot
larouque: Snapshot_018
+ Noa +: water lily
+ Noa +: Group Cover Photo-Travel Board in SL
+ Noa +: Walking with cats
DS'ELLES // Deesselle Destiny: L'Angevine- DS'ELLES Serenity Estate
DS'ELLES // Deesselle Destiny: DS'ELLES ELONA EVOX 50/50
Ella Banana: Rain on Me