fatmanurozturk: Discover Ankara
fatmanurozturk: Discover Ankara
fatmanurozturk: Discover Ankara
fatmanurozturk: Discover Ankara
fatmanurozturk: Discover Ankara
fatmanurozturk: Discover Ankara
fatmanurozturk: Discover Ankara
fatmanurozturk: Discover Ankara
fatmanurozturk: kitapçı
fatmanurozturk: yürüyüş
fatmanurozturk: Trying to take a photo with the Nokia216
fatmanurozturk: Trying to take a photo with the Nokia216 lol
fatmanurozturk: iki beyaz arasında
fatmanurozturk: 2021-02-10_12-30-15
fatmanurozturk: snowy forest
fatmanurozturk: abondened
fatmanurozturk: the prisoner of "modern buildings"!
fatmanurozturk: kormorane
fatmanurozturk: karabataklara veda
fatmanurozturk: die Reflexion
fatmanurozturk: cloudy filter
fatmanurozturk: die Tulpen
fatmanurozturk: reading the cosmos
fatmanurozturk: DSC_3467
fatmanurozturk: hola amigo!