Tonya T Turner: The 5th of July
Tonya T Turner: Howdy from The Tonya Cave
Tonya T Turner: IMG_3856 (2)
Tonya T Turner: bright lites, night brite
Tonya T Turner: Knock, knock. Who is there. Yes.
Tonya T Turner: Smooth and in the groove. Groovy like dinner and movie.
Tonya T Turner: From the vault of Tonya Time.
Tonya T Turner: Full of shots to protect.
Tonya T Turner: kind of a bore.
Tonya T Turner: Look it is not a thing, Maybe it was the cat.
Tonya T Turner: A good dog will help with garden production.
Tonya T Turner: Reading is Fundamental.
Tonya T Turner: From a Jack to a Tonya.
Tonya T Turner: sleepy eyed home day
Tonya T Turner: The Bird of Paradise flew over the nest
Tonya T Turner: Red, White \and Blue.
Tonya T Turner: It will shine when it shines.
Tonya T Turner: I am not a fan of these shoes.
Tonya T Turner: I found the photo from many years ago. I really need to get out of the house.
Tonya T Turner: oH mY Sweet Lord ! I recently had a photo rated as restricted on flickr. That is okay, I suppose. But maybe not. Perhaps with the bygone restriction movie ranking in the USA. Tonya is rated R, as in restricted
Tonya T Turner: Staycation relaxation.
Tonya T Turner: Staycation is like not being at work and getting paid. Maybe I should work from home and take a real vacation.
Tonya T Turner: Six days of rain so far on the Staycation. Perhaps tomorrow is the brighter day
Tonya T Turner: I have no more questions, for the answers I already know.
Tonya T Turner: The Quality of mercy is not strained ?
Tonya T Turner: Kind of funny how and old broken bottle looks like a diamond ring.
Tonya T Turner: A small Amazon Gurl.
Tonya T Turner: Who are you ? Who are me ?
Tonya T Turner: Feeling prettier than a little blue wagon going up a steep hill.