Douglas Denys: Amazon creepy crawly
Douglas Denys: smooth-blled Ani
Douglas Denys: White-faced Capuchin monkey
Douglas Denys: Many-banded aracari
Douglas Denys: Many-banded aracari
Douglas Denys: Red howler monkey
Douglas Denys: White-chinned Jacamar
Douglas Denys: Clear-winged butterfly, Amazon
Douglas Denys: Crested Owl
Douglas Denys: Wire-tailed manakin
Douglas Denys: Hoatzin
Douglas Denys: Amazon Spider
Douglas Denys: Amazon Spider
Douglas Denys: Stick insect, Amazon
Douglas Denys: 3-toed sloth
Douglas Denys: Purple Honey-Creeper
Douglas Denys: Green Honey-Creeper
Douglas Denys: Black-Faced Dacnis
Douglas Denys: Paradise Tanager
Douglas Denys: Pied-Billed Puffbird
Douglas Denys: masked tanager
Douglas Denys: Green and Gold Tanager
Douglas Denys: Amazon tree frog
Douglas Denys: Night sky, Amazon Rainforest
Douglas Denys: Sunrise over the Amazon canopy
Douglas Denys: Kapok tree
Douglas Denys: Amazon Rainforest, Ecuador
Douglas Denys: Black-mantled tamarin, Amazon, Ecuador
Douglas Denys: Amazon jungle snake
Douglas Denys: Spinx's night (owl) money, Ecuador