Congaree National Park was established by the US Congress on November 10, 2003. Due to the hard work of local individuals and groups, the area was previously established as the Congaree Swamp National Monument in 1976.
Congaree National Park is the largest complete expanse of old growth bottomland hardwood forest that remains in the southeastern United States.
A male Carolina Anole (Anolis carolinensis) will establish a territorial claim by extending its dewlap.
Guts and sloughs are low channels in the forest that help move water throughout the floodplain.
The bark of a Shagbark Hickory bark (Cayra ovata) peels away in large, flat, curving plates.
Loblolly Pines (Pinus taeda) can tolerate living in wet conditions better than many other species of pines.
Deer tracks in the Dorovan muck, a mixture of mud and old leaves, which is 8 feet thick. It helps filter the water and keeps the floodplain and Congaree River clean.